Real bodies in real life by Aleena Sharif

Artist Statement:

The aim of my work is to promote the idea of confidence. To show female figures in powerful positions that demand respect. 

What I try to do in my pieces is create a sense of power. The way the figure fills the canvas and the pose. The large scale bodies look down on to the viewer which creates this sense of shift in narrative. Instead of the the figure being looked at, it is the viewer who is being looked at. There is also the conversation of reclaiming space unapologetically. I try to keep it as realistic as possible so you will often see hair, stretch marks , rolls, not only included in my work, but highlighted or even glorified. I just try to capture real bodies in real poses that you experience in everyday life.


Words and images by Aleena Sharif | IG @aleenasharif_art


Dichotomies by Jess Senanayake


fat barbie and me by caitlin barr